STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – October 16, 2016


Jesus Christ: “I know.”

  • I know your troubles and your great poverty (even though you are rich in my eyes). I know that you are slandered by those who should be your brothers. I too have felt the brunt of lies and the hate of unjust accusations from those who profess to be the people of God, but who, in reality, serve Satan.
  • So listen very carefully to the eternal One. You will not be able to understand what I am about to tell you, or understand life at all, not your life, not the life of your church, not anyone’s life, if you do not understand these things in the context of eternity. Your life here, brief as it is, is set in eternity, and is significant within my eternal plan and purpose. This perspective will free you to see the events of your life through the truth of God and his word. I am telling you this to prepare your heart for faithful service to Me.

Message: “Smyrna: The Poor, Rich Church!”
Message Text: Revelation 2:8-11

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