Intoxicated in church … again …

It is true. I was intoxicated in church …
again. And if you can believe it, God approved. In fact he was responsible for the whole thing.

Okay so maybe my tabloid headline drew you in, but I was.

Possibly I shouldn’t admit this in such a public manner, but I was intoxicated in church this past Sunday.

Don’t get drunk on wine, which leads to wild living. Instead, be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5.18).

Okay so now I confess. I wasn’t drunk on wine or beer, but I was overwhelmed by the presence of God, his sovereignty, patience and goodness specifically.

I was filled with God. Drunk on God if you will. Not to be offensive but that seems to be the writer’s point.

Don’t be controlled by alcohol but be controlled, filled by God.

And I couldn’t stop the tears for a little while. And that was good also.

Thank you, Father.

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