Speaking for God … Not many of you

Speaking for God …

(NIV) James 3:1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

Here is what I am saying. If you cannot approach the words of God with the humility that allows his voice to be heard above yours, then be quiet and repent.

So maybe we should think not so much speaking for God but having the humility and courage to allow God to speak through us.

A tale of two messages …

One (from some days ago): humor, stories and the main point was drawn from another text. The person was heard.

Two (heard this morning): honest approach in humility to communicate the words of God. God was heard.

We have the tremendous opportunity to communicate the truth of God, but too often we speak for God without having first listened to him.

What do we say to a waiting world?
What God says … per his holy book the Bible.

Think about it. In Genesis three, Eve allowed her voice and the voice of the snake to be heard above the voice of God.

Why? She couldn’t accept God’s direction for her life. So she tweaked God’s words until she “heard” what she wanted to hear.

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