What is that crushing sound?

So what is that crushing sound?

The weight of the world leaning hard against our frailty. Sometimes the world hits hard, doesn’t play fair, life becomes very heavy, very hard. We worry, borrow not only tomorrow’s trouble but maybe even next year’s.

Why does God allow such a thing or even (gasp!) cause it to happen?

Can you hear the cliche coming?
Before you reach for the barf bag, let me say that I was just here (or there) yesterday morning, and God spoke to me as I tried to allow his truth, not my distorted perspective, wash over me. I also understand if this does sound like blah, blah, blah, packaged Christian answers to you. Sometimes it hurts so badly that all words seem meaningless. So that’s okay. No offense intended or taken.  But I will go ahead and share my experience.

Why the crushing?
Because crushing makes us care, care deeply in fact for others in their struggles. Possibly when we are crushed enough of our facade is removed that allows God’s light to reflect and maybe penetrate the darkness of another’s gloom and worry.

Crushing then the comfort of God.
If we fight off the bitterness and that can in itself be a major challenge.  If we allow God’s words and his promises to wash over us and bring us back to his presence, then our faith regroups.  We are able to draw upon the comfort of God.  Our faith not only regroups but it grows because we see how far reaching the hand of God is to care for his children.

(2 Corinthians 1:3 NCV) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. (4) He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.

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