Crying for the world

Do you ever feel like that?

Crying for the world, I mean.

So much tragedy and heartache; our little frail systems can’t handle the information; we overload; we cry.  But usually this is for someone close to us; a family member, close friend, neighbor, co-worker.

But sometimes it is the panorama of sadness that breaks down our fragile emotions; the pain, suffering and loss of people we don’t know and have never heard of.  And we cry.

I can’t imagine what Christ experienced as he lived here.  What agony of heart!  What frustration as he opened his arms and we turned away!  And he, of all people, knew there was an answer, a better plan, as he was the “plan,” but it still hurt as he, too, sometimes cried for the world.

  • Luke 13.34 MSG
    Jerusalem, Jerusalem, killer of prophets, abuser of the messengers of God!
    How often I’ve longed to gather your children, gather your children like a hen,
    Her brood safe under her wings— but you refused and turned away!
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