
My wife shared this excerpt with me some time ago as she was reading the book. Thought you might enjoy the fresh air.

Amos 🙂

From Our Fathers’ Fields, A Southern Story, by James Everett Kibler

We in the South love our Characters. That fact says much about our tolerance and valuing of individuality. We take pride in them at the same time we may not be brave enough to resist conforming ourselves. The more we conform, the more we love our Characters.

“Oh, how sad!” We’re always saying. “All the Characters are dying out.” We regret the fact, but just as we’ve thought that the last one has passed from the scene, other folks in our acquaintances quite unexpectedly start exhibiting traits and behavior for which there just doesn’t seem to be any good reason at all. Soon, some of these folks are well on their way to becoming Characters, as unique as those who went before, and the genus curmudgeon is preserved.

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