“And He Dwelt Among Us” by A.W. Tozer – Excellent!!!

My oldest son bought that book for me for Father’s Day.  How timely.  I’m not surprised, not really, but it had been a while since I had read Tozer, so I had forgotten why I am so impressed with his writing.

His words reach so deeply into my soul.  Here is an excerpt that describes two strong thoughts I have, one concerning the professing church, specifically the conservative, fundamentalist part of the family speaking to our fear to preach the image of God because the damn liberals have overtaken that teaching.  And, secondly, he addresses the “wildness” caused in us because eternity has been set in our hearts.  We all know there is more, but some find the light and others remain in the teasing and the pull away from this world that eternity dwelling in a temporary being brings.

  • A.W. Tozer, And He Dwelt Among us, p. 20
    If we had more courage, we would preach more on the image of God in man. That does not mean that unconverted man is saved. He specifically is lost and except he repent and be born again, he will never see the kingdom of God.  If he dies unshriven and unforgiven, he will certainly go to hell.  All that I believe, and the only reason a man can be saved is that God has put eternity in his heart. God made man in His own image and though man fell, he keeps the longing after eternity there and the appreciation of everlastingness there.  He has a desire after everlasting life within his heart, and that upsets him. Man goes wild and calls it one thing, but deep down in him it is another thing that is bothering him.

No amount of affluence and earthly conquests can overcome man going wild because of this deep down influence of forever in his or her life.  Only a relationship with Jesus Son of God addresses the issue of eternity in a way that satisfies ultimate reality.  Only Jesus can satisfy the soul.

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