Little Red Riding Hood meets Jesus …

I say …

I say I love you and think you are fantastic, and I want to develop a meaningful relationship with you.

I tell other people how wonderful you are and how they should also get to know you better, that you are the most important person in my life.  I even tell myself that.  In fact, I have done so enough that I am really beginning to believe it.

But what really seems to happen is …

When things are going well, life is good, fun is happening, I don’t really want you interrupting my life, not too involved but close enough that you can watch out for me just in case.  So comforting.

Kind of like a “little red riding hood” relationship, not too hot, not too cold.  Just right!

I don’t talk to you very often anymore in any meaningful way.  Quick stuff, boilerplate niceties, but very spiritual sounding, after all, we have a deep relationship.

Pretty much our relationship is mostly words though, talk … lip action if you will.  Not just any words though.  I mean, I would never dream of giving anyone else the credit and honor I give to you as I speak of you.

But that’s about it … words.  And some other “going through the motions” stuff.  But mostly words, but really good words.  High praise as they say down south.

Until …

Until something goes  wrong with my nice little life. I get bad news from the doctor.  Or I need money.  Or the people around me are booger-heads.  Then I want you to jump in the middle of my problems.

Sometimes I need to remind you that this is the part where you ride in on your white horse and fix everything.  No, not the things you think need fixing.  I have a to-do list for you.  I call that praying.

If the Bible has one message, it is about our love relationship to God.  I would say that I don’t mean to preach here, but I do.

What are we thinking?  No one could ever love you or me the way God loves us, and we sometimes don’t give him the time of day.

When things are going well we forget him.  But when trouble comes we run to him.  I would have a really hard time maintaining a relationship with someone like that.

Thankfully, I am not God.  And thankfully God speaks to us in patience and mercy and grace.  That is how I continue on the path.  The enemy accuses me of horrible things, and you know what?  Sometimes he is exactly right.  I am as bad or worse than he says.

But I keep going.  Keep trudging ahead.  One foot in front of the other because I believe that what Jesus did at Calvary took care of the worst of the worst of Dave Scott.  And Satan can accuse and mock and ridicule, and sometimes, and even often, be right, but I don’t stay on the path of faith because of anything I have done except to believe in what Jesus Son of God has done for me.

  • Hebrews 4.14-16
    Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

I approach the throne of grace with confidence for one reason.  His name is Jesus!

And this amazes me.  God loves me with a forever love.  I love him as a weak little earthling.  And God thinks it’s great!

Praise be to this God, this King, this Savior of the world!

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