Forgiveness is always there.

This is what was on my mind a couple mornings ago.  Not sure why.  Maybe I was especially bad that morning, maybe I was in the middle of a really good prayer time.  Doesn’t matter where I was because the truth stands apart from my goodness or badness.

Forgiveness is always waiting for us.  Always there.

What we have done or thought about doing …

Bad stuff, good stuff, in-between stuff …

All taken care of through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  God doesn’t want us cringing in the corner, whipping ourselves.

He also doesn’t want us full of ourselves.

Just bow before the King and approach his throne with boldness because he already paid the full price.

Christ has provided what we need for the journey.  I was talking to someone the other day and saying that the more I live (read the older I get) the less I am prone to criticize and judge.  Been through too much, friend.

And here is a really great aspect of the saga.  The people who have “been through too much” and come out on the other side of God’s grace and mercy and love, the people who have tasted the deliciousness of God’s forgiveness.

Beauty.  Real beauty.  Beauty that you see and feel when you are around them.  Beauty that drifts over you when you read an email from them or talk to them on the phone.

There’s something so medicinal, even intoxicating, about the person who depends greatly on the cross-work of Jesus Christ.  They are the ones I want around when I am happy and sad, when I go to war in the name of my Savior.

All fresh and clean and dripping with the love of God.

What a friend is the friend of Jesus.

  • Ephesians 1.7-8 NIV
    In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
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