Yet … God Rules! The world drools!

This is really a follow up to the previous post; just a thought that impressed itself on me from the other.

  • (Isaiah 7.7a NIV) Yet this is what the Sovereign LORD says …

Amazing how sometimes two or three words, or sometimes only one, God uses to clarify who he is and his desired involvement in my life.  Even that statement captures me.  God wants to be involved in my life.

But away from the detour …

Here I am speaking of one word that we might want to remember.

Yet …

Screaming, shouting, noise, business as usual, this political party says, that political party argues, this country rattles it’s saber, that country threatens retaliation …

The signals we receive from our daily news deliver desperation and foreboding …

Yet … God talks too.

God speaks, through his Spirit, through his words.  He has been repeating his message with deft accuracy and consistency for thousands of years.

To a dark world he promises light.

And to you and me.  He speaks to us.

It’s likely you are hearing all the other stuff, conservative, liberal, and every whack job in between.

But are you listening when God speaks to your heart.

All the stuff going on, “Yet this is what the Sovereign LORD says …”

Words that last forever. That’s what we need to hear.

God who is eternal and almighty.  That’s who we need to listen to.

Medicine to our souls; our Rock in the midst of turbulence, our salvation, our High Tower.

God Rules!  The world drools!

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