A Leviticus study…Are you kidding me?

Our pastor began a study in Leviticus today, and I am looking forward to it.

Yeah, right. You probably look forward to going to the dentist and doing your taxes too, dude!

Do you want to know why I am looking forward to it even though a person could be tempted to spell Leviticus — B-O-R-I-N-G? Do you want to know?

Because he has built up “street cred” with us because of his good approach to the truth of God.

If most of the pastors I have sat under would have announced a study in Leviticus, I would have cringed and volunteered for children’s church for the next three months.

But “our guy” actually does take a proper approach to the words of God. It is called biblical exposition. Most guys say they do this but they don’t. One of the easiest give-aways is if they normally reference multiple cross-references as they preach. This is not preaching the entire counsel of God; it is skipping your opinion over the surface of the water. Another easy give-away is announcing a text, reading all or part of it, and then barely, or not at all, referencing it before running to and fro, back and forth, through the Bible, turning to a zillion references.

Yes, many of us were taught to study the Bible this way, but it is time to change, time to quit skipping over the surface, quoting “God-words” to ram home our own opinions and religious viewpoints. About time we starting letting God speak and about time we started listening.

Yip, that’s what I’m saying out loud.

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