The Bible is not important enough to you!

  • Deuteronomy 8:3 (NIV)
    He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.

Judgmental?  Harsh?  Not really the point.

Is it true?  That is what you need to face.

“Oh, I know I should read more, but …”

Life, as you have chosen and pursued it, is more important than the life that God directs you to.  Just look at your choices. Simple deduction.

And it is more, so much more, than being familiar with concepts and “Christian principles.”  It is about knowing God through his words.  If you do not pursue a vital relationship with God through his words, then at best you have a second-hand understanding of who he is and what he is about.

We only learn this in a state of humility and hunger – “he humbled you.”

God calls us to live by his words but we don’t hear the message if we are not hungry for more than what we have offered ourselves, if we do not long for more than what we can see or imagine.

We yearn for his words when those words nourish something deep within us that this world cannot touch.

So back to – Is the Bible not important enough to you that you will determine to make the time to hear the voice of God?

I recently read through Isaiah and Jeremiah this statement and some variations resounded from their message –  “This is what the Lord says.”

Again and again, “this is what the Lord says.”

But again and again they didn’t listen because that had their own plans for life.

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