If God did country western …

From Revelation 2 …
To the Church at Ephesus …

“You don’t love me anymore.”

“I know you’ve worked hard to get where you are.”

“You never gave up; never copped to the lies.”

“But here’s the one thing, darlin’.”

“You don’t love me anymore.”

“You left love for success and you got it.”

“But now you don’t have me.”

“Said you were doing it for me, and maybe it started out true.”

“But, darlin’, your love became business; now I’m takin’ my name off the door.”

  • Revelation 2.2-4 NCV
    I know what you do, how you work hard and never give up. I know you do not put up with the false teachings of evil people. You have tested those who say they are apostles but really are not, and you found they are liars.  You have patience and have suffered troubles for my name and have not given up.  But I have this against you: You have left the love you had in the beginning.

God is serious about his love!

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