Video intro I am working on for a song later this month at church … Jesus Saves!


  • Acts 16:30–31
    He then brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”


This isn’t quite finished but pretty close.  The contrast I will try to demonstrate with the  video and song is this:  Millions of voices through religion, philosophy, psychology, etc. over the thousands of years of Earth history have been telling us what is most important.

For over two millennia since Jesus Christ came and went the “noise” and confusion have continued as most people probe the meaning of life apart from God and his Holy Book the Bible.

But God speaks with amazing clarity and power in answering the “one question” we all need to ask and answer.

  • What must I do to be saved?

Here is the sequence I want you to hear:  Noise, noise, noise and then two words, one  of them a name.

  • Jesus saves!

So who do we listen to?  The occupants of the planet or the God who created the planet.

We are flooded with information through a technological explosion, but are we hearing the voice of God, the only voice that ultimately matters.  Even as Christians, we sometimes listen more to each other (and ourselves) than we listen to God.

I love technology.  I am somewhat of a geeky person.

But nothing compares to hearing the voice of God.  Nothing brings perspective and peace like hearing from the Creator.

Where you hear the piano come in is where I come in and play and sing my arrangement of an old, gospel song – Jesus Saves!  Hopefully over the next few weeks I will post the entire song.

Two words our world needs to hear:  Jesus saves!



  • Put video together with Logic Studio, iMovie, my Mac Pro and my iPhone for anyone interested.  Clips are recorded TV from iPhone with various effects filters.
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