Author Archives: dave

AUDIO for FFC for last two Sundays – May 1 & April 24, 2016

Here is the audio for the last two Genesis messages. ——————————— GENESIS MESSAGE 4 – The Account of the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth ——————————— GENESIS MESSAGE 5 – The Serpent Deceives the Woman

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – May 1, 2016

We could almost say that the Man (Adam) and the Woman (Eve) had no chance against their adversary.  Almost … But they did have very clear instruction from God himself. Yes, they were overmatched as the devil used the crafty … Continue reading

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Psalms‬ ‭100:1-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth! Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – April 24, 2016

(Genesis 2:4 NASB95) This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven. God gives his account of creation. The Creator reveals the events of the … Continue reading

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Audio for FFC for Sunday – April 17, 2016

We need to understand how “very good” God’s creation was on Day Six. We need to understand that God decided to create humans in his image and after his likeness. We need to understand what an exalted position God gave … Continue reading

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Audio for FFC for Sunday AM – April 10, 2016

Paradise. Then Paradise Lost. Sin does not come onto the scene in Genesis until chapter three, but we have much to learn in the two earlier chapters about our desperate predicament as humans occupying the planet and the depths of … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – April 17, 2016

Created in the image of God. What does it matter? Well, it seems to matters a lot. Experience Day One of creation as you look up at the night sky and see the glory of God. You get a glimpse … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – April 10, 2016

Paradise. Then Paradise Lost. Sin does not come onto the scene in Genesis until chapter three, but we have much to learn in the two earlier chapters about our desperate predicament as humans occupying the planet and the depths of … Continue reading

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Genesis Message 1 Audio for FFC for April 3, 2016

I can hardly wait to see what God is going to do in my life, and yours, through this Genesis study. What a challenge, but also I believe God has impressed on me the great blessing in that very challenge … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for GENESIS for FFC for April 3, 2016

God gives us the choice. It has been that way since the very first humans walked the planet. Believe God and trust him or believe the lie. For decades now many professing believers in Christ have listened to those whom … Continue reading

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