STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – April 10, 2016

ocean life back cover

Paradise. Then Paradise Lost.

Sin does not come onto the scene in Genesis until chapter three, but we have much to learn in the two earlier chapters about our desperate predicament as humans occupying the planet and the depths of our sin.

As in … Paradise and Paradise Lost.

As we see what we have lost. As we understand better God’s original gift to humans in creation. Now we may realize that we really do need to let God instruct us from his word as to our need for a Savior (and for everything else in life).

For those who are lost and need to be found, Genesis is absolutely foundational to understanding God, ourselves and the world in which we live. Undermine Genesis as the exact account that God chose to give us, and you have undermined your ability to believe in God as he defines and describes himself.

You choose. You lose. Pick apart his message and miss his message and miss the abundance of life that God offers through Jesus Christ.

Read the following by Kent Hughes and be amazed at the power and wisdom of God!

  • God had formed the world in three days, and now in three parallel days he had wonderfully filled it with the light of the sun and moon and stars and trees and plants and creatures of the deep and the winged creatures of the sky and a zoo of wondrous earth-treading beasts.

    The seas literally swarmed with living things—the monsters of the deep. There were whales, sharks, leviathan (crocodiles); swordfish reigned amidst schools of tuna and dolphin and thousands of lesser colorful finned creatures—many unknown until the twentieth century. And above, an ornithologist’s delight filled the skies—eagles, cormorants, ravens, gulls, geese, ducks, woodpeckers, finches, cardinals, indigo buntings. The skies and seas teemed with astonishing variety, all from the mind of God. The waving, undulating beauties seen first by the sea diver and the gliding, iridescent arrays of the heavens exist because of God’s thought and at his pleasure—“And God saw that it was good.”

    [Hughes, R. K. (2004). Genesis: beginning and blessing (p. 34). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books.]

Message Title: The First Five Days of Creation!

Message Text: Genesis 1:1-23 & Selected

earth globe clouds sun nice


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