STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday – April 17, 2016

mere mortals heads silhouettes

Created in the image of God.

    • What does it matter? Well, it seems to matters a lot.
    • Experience Day One of creation as you look up at the night sky and see the glory of God. You get a glimpse of Day Two as you stand on the shore of the ocean and hear the roaring and crashing of the waves. Day Three brings grass, flowers, trees, all plant life. Take it all in now as you smell freshly cut grass, spring flowers and corn growing. Observe the stars scattered over the heavens and declare his praise. Go for a walk under a beautiful moon or drink in the beauty of his blue sky and feel the warmth and life of his great light which he brought about on Day Four. Listen to the music of Day Five as birds tweet, coo, shriek and caw. Or be captured by the performance of an eagle in the sky or a great whale on the open sea. Day Six introduces lions roaring and elephants trumpeting. All the land creatures. Foxes showing off their speed and oxen their strength.
    • Travel this earth and see the the uncharted territories brought about by the word of God, the wonders of unpolluted oceans, and green, vibrant forests alive with beasts of every variety. Explore the universe in all of it’s stunning immensity and variety of color and shape and form. And marvel at the greatness of our God.
    • But if you want to experience the peak, the pinnacle, the summit, the top, the zenith, the apogee, the apex, the height, the crown, the climax …
    • If you want to travel to the summit and the spire of God’s creation to catch a glimpse of God’s greatest work, then I invite you to the afternoon of Day Six, where God took council with himself and decided to make humans in his image, and after his likeness.

Message Title: Days 6 & 7!

Message Text: Genesis 1:24-2:4 & Selected

Psalm 8 man mindful people silhouettes

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