Author Archives: dave

Message MP3 for Sunday September 28, 2014

Peace with God. Do we know what we have? Are we experiencing the abundant blessing of our justification through our peace with God and his unreserved, undeserved grace? Message Title: Since We Have Been Justified! Message Text: Romans 5:1-5 MP3: LESSON … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday September 28, 2014

Hello, What a great text this week! “Since we have been justified …” or “Having been justified …” WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD! We cannot imagine it, but if we could imagine standing before God in all his fury and … Continue reading

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Pray for Pastor Saeed

From: Franklin Graham <updates> Subject: Pray for Pastor Saeed Date: September 24, 2014 at 11:47:20 AM CDT Email not displaying correctly? See it here » This week marks the two-year anniversary of the imprisonment of Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American … Continue reading

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MESSAGE MP3 for Sunday September 21, 2014

So let me ask … Have you ever posted a “NO TRESPASSING” sign on your property? And after you posted your sign, did anyone ever trespass? We humans. If there is a rule, we will break it. “Go ahead, God, … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Faith Fellowship Church for Sunday September 21, 2014

Good Friday to All, We are almost through September, beautiful fall weather … but we know what comes next! Enjoy while we can, right? How could God come up with an agreement, a deal, with us for salvation in which … Continue reading

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Bulletin for Faith Fellowship Church for Sunday September 21, 2014

Hello All, Here is this week’s bulletin. PDF Bulletin FFC September 21 2014

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No MP3 for the message this week.

No MP3 for the message this week. Oops! I thought the recorder was malfunctioning, but it was instead operator error. I couldn’t get the recorder to work Sunday morning because the “Hold” button was on and I could get nothing … Continue reading

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STUDY SHEETS for Sunday September 14, 2014 …

Good Friday Afternoon to You, Abraham believed God and God put it to his account for righteousness. That is how God can forgive us. Someone had to pay for our sin. Someone had to give us righteousness that would hold … Continue reading

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MP3 for Sunday September 7, 2014 message …

MP3: LESSON 8 The Righteousness of God Revealed Apart from the Law / Romans 3:19-31 / 090714

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STUDY SHEETS for September 7, 2014 for Faith Fellowship Church …

Good Friday Afternoon, Kerry and I are going to have a pizza party this evening with four teens, one almost teen and their moms. Kerry is so excited. 🙂 After the break for the community service, it will be so … Continue reading

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