Author Archives: Amos Gideon David is great

This site is just excellent if you have any interest at all in making your work available to the public or select people. Family albums, a collection of your photography or other artwork, your latest book, or music CD. I … Continue reading

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More on Beyond Pretend. . .

Forgot to include this in previous post concerning our focus too late on making amends or getting things right at the end of our lives. How much do we hear either a joke or an evangelist about standing before Saint … Continue reading

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Beyond Pretend

Beyond Pretend: The Grass Really Is Greener on the Other Side My new book title. Think about how much of our lives is pretend, shadows, layers, etc. But living our faith really is better, even if we lose our lives, … Continue reading

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How “not” to follow God Lesson Three: Listen to your inner rebellious child.

Lesson Three:  Allow rebellion and fear dictate your direction. Listen to your heart, your gut feeling, your inner you.  True you will have to disregard the facts that you have yet to escape your depravity, and that your heart is … Continue reading

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How “not” to follow God Lesson Two: “Run, Forrest, run!”

Lesson Two: When things look overwhelming, run back to your comfort zone. This particular fear induces memory problems. When we run back to our comfort zone, we forget about heaven and the glory of God. “Run, Christian, run.” Run back … Continue reading

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How “not” to follow God Lesson One: “They are stronger than we are.”

Lesson One: Evaluate our success in following God based on our own resources. It seems that at least part of the book of Numbers could be used for a “how not to” book on following God. That’s what occurred to … Continue reading

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Hot free software tip FREE research software, open-source, very powerful. Designed for heavy duty web research but can use for anything, e.g. shopping for your next computer, fridge, car, etc. Really is a great program.

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Maybe examine ourselves first?

Micah 6.8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Before we criticize another religion and … Continue reading

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Persecution, what does it mean?

Sometimes our culture and/or subculture, such as evangelicalism, allow words, thoughts and ideas to evolve untethered from their original meaning and purpose. This is why we have English words that were used to translate the Hebrew and the Greek of … Continue reading

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Time travel

Reading the Bible is like time travel. You go back hundreds of years and forward into eternity at the same time. At least that is what I was doing the other morning in Exodus.  And it seems to be a … Continue reading

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