Author Archives: Amos Gideon David

Puffing or building?

(1 Corinthians 8:1 NCV) Now I will write about meat that is sacrificed to idols. We know that “we all have knowledge.” Knowledge puffs you up with pride, but love builds up. Why do you study the Bible? “Cliche, cliche, … Continue reading

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Why do we curse?

Think about it for a minute. Unless you live in a very protected social environment, you realize that cursing is about as ordinary and everyday as it gets. It is part of my day, not me cursing, but being around … Continue reading

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Seeing who we worship.

In true worship, when we draw near to God with our lips and our hearts, we begin to see who we worship. I mean we already know God and “see” him, but now we see more clearly. In worship, God … Continue reading

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Thank you for true places in my heart.

I am so thankful for the true places you find in my heart, Father. Those places  you create and cultivate, where I connect with you in moments of perfection, pictures, snapshots of where I will one day live forever. Thank … Continue reading

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It is not application.

I am still struggling to understand and explain what it means to live by the words of God. Sometimes we call this application. That term used to seem okay to me but no longer. It denotes exactly what we struggle … Continue reading

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Feeling the storm

Psalms 13:1-2 ESV To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? (2) How long must I take counsel in my soul and have … Continue reading

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To catch a thief.

We have probably all watched the scene in a movie unfold something like this: the good guy chases the bad guy wearing the black mask who was sneaking around somewhere he shouldn’t be. Who is this mysterious intruder? What will … Continue reading

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Where do we make our best decisions?

Another reason to know what it means to worship God. Where do we think best? Are most aware of our resources? Have the best perspective? Before the throne of God. (Psalms 73:16-17 NKJV) When I thought how to understand this, … Continue reading

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The mess is often part of the fix.

How many times have I started a project at work and thought shortly after – Why did I ever start this? What was I thinking? Have you done that? It seemed like a good idea. I knew it was necessary, … Continue reading

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They made it too easy.

The hypocrites made it too easy for me to reject God as I grew up in church. I mean it was no contest, seeing their inconsistencies and meanness, their lukewarm attitude and “play church” mentality. I didn’t have to look … Continue reading

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