To catch a thief.

We have probably all watched the scene in a movie unfold something like this: the good guy chases the bad guy wearing the black mask who was sneaking around somewhere he shouldn’t be.

Who is this mysterious intruder?

What will we find when we catch him or her and pull away the mask?

It just so happens that I had a similar experience several days ago.

Yessirree, my very own action scene, except it was only played out in my mind; safer that way; at least I think it is.

Anyway, I chased the shadowy figure until I caught him, wrestled him to the ground and pulled off the mask of this villain. . .only to find I was looking at myself.


I caught myself somewhere I never thought I would be: Distancing myself from people I love to avoid more pain.

This “other me” was just too tired and too sad to face any more sadness. At least that was his story, and he said he was sticking to it. Too much pain in the lives close to him; too much potential pain in lives around him, such as the people who attend his church, neighbors, the neighbors to his church, co-workers.

So he thought he would steal away, find the comfort of oblivion, the peace of not knowing.

Less information equaled less involvement equaled less pain equaled…

Equaled not honoring his calling, not trusting God, not living by faith. . .

Good thing I caught this guy when I did, huh?

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