Where do we make our best decisions?

Another reason to know what it means to worship God.

Where do we think best? Are most aware of our resources? Have the best perspective?

Before the throne of God.

(Psalms 73:16-17 NKJV) When I thought how to understand this, It was too painful for me; until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I understood their end.

(Psalms 73:16-17 MSG) Still, when I tried to figure it out, all I got was a splitting headache . . . (17) Until I entered the sanctuary of God. Then I saw the whole picture.

The psalmist couldn’t find a good answer for the well-being and prosperity of the wicked until he went before the throne of God.

Sunday morning I sat in my study and asked God to “just bring me before you, Lord, to bow before you, O God, this is where I need to be.”

Hear the air locks closing? And then “whoosh.” There I was transported before my refuge, strength, exactly where I am meant to be, before the throne of God, bowed before my Creator and Redeemer.

And I thought – This is where “I can see clearly now.”

This is where we need to be when we make our most important decisions. This is where we understand who God is, who we are in Jesus Christ, our spiritual resources, God’s power and love.

Living above anxiety, not below the weight of this world.

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