Category Archives: daily thoughts

Speaking “ex cathedra” or “from the chair”

So often as Protestants, the independent, fundamental variety (my background for the first 25 years of my life), we criticized the Catholics, for many things, but specifically for the Pope speaking “ex cathedra” or from the chair.  Read article on … Continue reading

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Sharing the road with Mikey.

My wife and I rode home from the wedding through sleet, snow and rain, and someone who was apparently very afraid and drove 15 mph down the highway.  We sometimes look at each other, and I’ll say (or she will), … Continue reading

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Sometimes I get it right.

I am the unofficial family minister.  Performed ceremony today for my nephew and his new wife.  Was pretty nice to be a part of my sister’s family in this way, to reflect on what millions have stood and done before … Continue reading

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