Sometimes I get it right.

I am the unofficial family minister.  Performed ceremony today for my nephew and his new wife.  Was pretty nice to be a part of my sister’s family in this way, to reflect on what millions have stood and done before us, generation after generation, marrying and being given in marriage.

Part of what I shared with them was Ephesians 5.21 from The Message:  “Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.”  Be courteously reverent to one another.  A person might think that God is the only one to be revered and that is true but I believe it is honoring to God to treat our fellow humans with reverence, as in utmost respect to the One who created them.

I reverence God so much that I will “be courteously reverent” to my wife, my son, my neighbor.

I don’t get real preachy around my family; I try not to be preachy around anyone, but I do want to be a person of hope and help in their lives.  And I believe today I was, and I feel pretty good about that.  I think God was pleased with what I did.  Sometimes I get it right.

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