Sharing the road with Mikey.

My wife and I rode home from the wedding through sleet, snow and rain, and someone who was apparently very afraid and drove 15 mph down the highway.  We sometimes look at each other, and I’ll say (or she will), “Here we go again. You and me, Mikey.”

Lots of miles, lots of memories, lots of time to show our commitment to each other, to love each other not because we are so great but because we have each other.  The years have forged someone in our lives that nothing else can do.  Me and Mikey, going down the road together again, literally and figuratively, sharing the day’s experience and some White Castle burgers and Starbuck’s delights, cappucino for me please, grande, while K drooled over a Chai Tea Latte, oh yeah, Baby.

Man it’s good to get back home.  Our Shih Tzu, Abby was so glad to see us and the burgers.

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