Class field trips and playing in the sandbox …

I love learning!
I always loved class field trips when I was in school.  Once we visited a local coal-fired electric power generating plant along the Wabash River.  I was so impressed with everything – the  sights, the sounds.  It was like you could feel the power of this amazing equipment and process.

And at almost age sixty, I still love field trips, but now my modus operandi is no longer traveling with Mrs. Jones and my sixth-grade classmates to a local factory but the magic carpet ride of technology.

I would say that technology keeps me young but, yes, that would be a stretch.  That statement would give too many of you a good chuckle, but just as you are chuckling you might want to stay away from any mirrors.   (Snort, giggle, smirk!)

My latest adventure …
As some of you know I am now “a Mac.” However (and this is so cool) I still run Windows XP via a virtual machine on Parallels.  When going to my Mac I took my entire XP machine, converted it into a virtual machine with VMWare Fusion software and took it along with me to my Mac.  Macintosh on my left monitor; Windows XP on my right monitor.  Too cool!  This ability greatly eased my transition from long-time PC user to Mac user, and now that process is pretty much done, except I still enjoying playing in the sandbox of different operating systems.

So … Field trip to the Windows 8 observatory ...
Later today I am going to install the Consumer Preview for Windows 8 on my Mac Pro.  This is so cool.  Microsoft is giving free use of this beta and free use of some applications from the MS store for a limited period of time.

So why would I do this?
Because I can.  I love my Mac, and I’m not planning on switching back to Windows. I just love playing in the sandbox and discovering new things.  And, this is my reward to myself for working hard on my new project.  

Study hard then play.

I love learning!


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