Twitter is not just for teenage girls and professional athletes …

I wrote a post about the many uses of Twitter sometime back; here’s another.

I went for some time thinking that Twitter was … well … just stupid.   A time-waster for teenage girls and NBA stars.

And it is that, but it is much more.  And you do not have to invest that much time.

Here are some ways that I use Twitter:

  • Updates on projects …
    In the previous post I mentioned that I was going to play around with the Consumer Preview of Windows 8 via Parallels software.  I subscribe to the the Parallels Twitter feed and get instant access to any new information as to the user experience of people who are doing the exact same thing.  Yes, I can and do use Google, but this info is dropped at my doorstep.
  • Software deals …
    Through a Twitter post I was alerted to a software sale on Productive Macs – 8 Mac apps for $40.  Five of these apps I use almost every day and are very powerful and I paid a fraction of the cost.
  • Logos Bible Software …
    I receive notification of software updates for my desktop and iOS software.  I receive tips and hints.  I receive free book offers by authors such as B.B. Warfield, Martin Lloyd-Jones, etc.
  • Crashplan …
    My online and local backup service.  I receive notices on when servers will be down for maintenance or other problems or situations in which I may not have access.
  • I subscribe to various technology and tech magazine sites and blogs.
  • I receive regular news from China.

With no effort hardly; go to a site, click “follow” and that’s it.  Don’t like what you get; go to site; click “unfollow.”


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