Stopping by, God? Don’t forget the miracles and blessings.

We want to be with God – or at least we say and act like we do – but it seems we often want God’s presence on our terms.

I have to wonder that sometimes even legitimate principles are compromised because we are religious rebels.

(Matthew 18:20 NKJV) “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

This statement is true. But is the intent to manipulate an audience with Jesus so we can be blessed, or have him perform for us, or give us power. . .

God does visit us. He does come to us, very obvious as he came to us in his Son, Jesus Christ, sent his one and only Son to this Earth.

So God does his part. But do we do our part?

Do we truly desire to be in the presence of God?

Think about it for a minute. What if you had a friend who said they enjoyed your company but you began to notice that the friend never took the time to come and see you, and when you visited this person they expected presents and favors. They never just wanted to share a cup of coffee and talk.

What about that? Some friend, we might say.

But isn’t that what we sometimes ask for in our relationship with Christ?

Jesus says “follow me” but we would rather have God come to us. We sit on the couch or in the pew and beckon God with words that pass so easily through our lips.

And we want to call the shots.

But Jesus calls us to his presence by summoning us to follow him through this life.

(Luke 9:23 MSG) Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat–I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how.

Do you ever bump into God during your day? Does Jesus meet you in unexpected places?

Then maybe you’re not on the path, maybe you’re not following.

Maybe those words seem harsh. But maybe they are true. Maybe we need to take this following more seriously.

Or you can sit back and invite two or three people over and conjure up an audience with Jesus.

By the way, God, if you drop in, don’t forget the miracles and the blessings.

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