Why so much emotion and tension, it’s just your eternal destiny?

I was thinking today about approaching different people in my life concerning their eternal destiny – family members, neighbors, the people in the neighborhood of our church.

And I thought, wow, so much tension, so much emotion.

Amiable:  Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable. Cordial; sociable; congenial: an amiable gathering.  (Definition from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/amiable)

We can be having a perfect, amiable conversation going on but bring up Jesus Christ and salvation and heaven, and goodness gracious “Can you feel the winter chill, Harold?”

Next thing you know we are facing the wind of hell, hard looks, stony expressions barely masking intense anger.

I can remember approaching a neighbor a couple times about a Bible study, and he seems to be a good person, but it was all he could do to maintain a courteous attitude.  He drew the line very clearly and warned me to proceed no further, all with a few words, a look and a tone.  He didn’t want to turn his anger toward me if he could avoid it.

This can be so intimidating and so sad.  And often we back down. I have.

But maybe we need to let God use this fearful barrier to give us some perspective.

It really is a big deal. It really does mean heaven or hell for someone forever.

So maybe I need to be willing to face the storm for the sake of a neighbor.

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