I’m back … and STUDY SHEETS for July 20, 2014

Hello to All,

Some of you know, and some of you do not. I have been “missing in action” for the last several weeks as I crashed my bicycle on June 8 and have since undergone two surgeries on my hip. Not a pleasant thing. In fact, possibly the most trying time of my life.

I am now (finally) in recovery mode. Lord willing I will begin walking again in September and will regain full use of my right leg. Currently I am on a “toe-touch” restriction. No weight on my right leg until about the second week of September. The doctor says that I will even be able to ride my super cool Trek Domane road bike again. That is, once I get it into the bike shop for minor repairs from the crash.

I have been gone from church since June 1. I attended last Sunday morning and will resume our Romans study this Sunday July 20. God is God is what I learn over and over. And … people are people.

The Letter to the Romans is amazing. You possibly are like me and already knew that, but I am learning it “for the first time all over again” as the expression goes. This week I will preach the message that I had scheduled for June 8 with God’s revisions. 🙂

Message Title: The Obedience of Faith: The Blessing of Believing & Obeying God!

Message Text: Romans 1:5-15 & Selected Passages

Here are our study sheets.

Praise be to our God who is high and holy and offers to share his righteousness with sinners through salvation in Jesus Christ!

Praise be to this same God who makes weaklings like me and you his ambassadors to share this amazing message of God’s love and righteousness!

Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of his excellent greatness!


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