STUDY SHEETS for Sunday June 1, 2014

Hello All,

Oops! Really busy last week and forgot to post the study sheets for our introduction to Romans. I received a very good response to the beginning of the study and believe the journey through Romans will be amazing. And, yes, I thought before I used the word amazing as I believe it to be so.

I have also posted some introductory study sheets listing all the occurrences of “faith” (40 times in 35 verses) and “righteousness” (32 times in 29 verses) per the English Standard Version of the Bible. These are excerpts from the verses. If you can read through even these snippets concerning faith and righteousness in Romans and not be stirred by the Spirit of God, then please check your pulse. 🙂

Message Title: Bringing about the Obedience of Faith

Message Text: Romans 1:1-7

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