STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 18, 2015

billboard truths love enemy

“I say to you who hear …”

The opening line of this week’s text. “I say to you who hear, Love your enemies.”

Not a message for everyone. “To you who hear …”

Christ is speaking to only those who hear, who actually listen to his words. And what are the words? Another command. More biblical instruction as to how we handle our personal relationships. Bible doctrine concerning our attitude toward and treatment of our enemies.

Oh, and by the way, another command, not a suggestion.

  • Want to live and act like God? Want live the life of a son of God? Want to receive great reward from the Most High? Love your enemies.

Who would have thought that honoring and obeying God would take a direct route through how we treat the people who contend against us?

BILLBOARD TRUTHS: I have found these truths continuing to bubble to the surface through this entire Love God, Love Your Neighbor series.

  • We must trust God with all our heart.
  • Mercy wins.

Message Title: Love Your Enemies!

Message Text: Luke 6:27-36

PDF Love your enemies : Luke 6:27-36 : ffc : dave scott : 011815 : STUDY SHEET ONE

PDF Love your enemies : Luke 6:27-36 : ffc : dave scott : 011815 : STUDY SHEET TWO

definitions or something else

So are we stumped over a definition?

Or are we like the lawyer … 

  • Lord, could you define “neighbor” for me? And how about love?  Just what do you mean by love? Lord, would you define “enemy”? And “Frenemies”? Do we need to love frenemies?


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