Message MP3 for FFC for Sunday January 18, 2015

waveform Jesus I say to you who hear

A seminar on godly living …

If I were to invite you to a seminar that promised to make you like your Father in heaven, would you consider that a seminar on godliness?

Or if I invited you to a seminar that instructed us in ways to live like the Most High, would you consider that a seminar on godliness?

Well, here we are today, presenting a “seminar” on godliness directly routed through Jesus’ command to love our enemies.

“But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies!
[A Command, not a Suggestion.]

Message Title: Love Your Enemies!

Message Text: Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 5:43-48

MP3: Love your enemies : Matthew 5:43-48 : Luke 6:27-36 : ffc : dave scott : AM MESSAGE 011815

billboard truths love enemy

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