STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday January 25, 2015

God is love red sign white sign post

“Love one another.”

Allowing God to love us to the fullest extent of his love.

  • In some ways this has been a “How to Let God Love Us” series.
    God commands us to love him.
    God commands us to love our neighbors.
    God commands us to love our enemies.
    And echoing Christ the Apostle John exhorts us to love one another.

Why? Why all the commands? I know that God is God but why so bossy?

So he can perfect his love in our lives, so we can truly live through Christ and receive the love of God to its fullest extent.

God does know what we need, and what we need is to be completely filled and transformed by his great love.

*This is how he started the “Save the Humans Project” on Earth.

“For God so loved …”

How great is this love of God’s?

  • Great enough and powerful enough and all-consuming enough to quash even our greatest fears … WHEN we allow God to perfect this love in our lives!

Message Title: Perfect Love!

Message Text: 1 John 4:7-18

God is love text box The Message

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