Message MP3 for Sunday February 8, 2015 Evening Service

Hello All,

I don’t record all of the Psalms studies but did yesterday. So here it is.


Probable (possible) historical setting: TO THE CHOIRMASTER. A PSALM OF DAVID. David on the run; seeking refuge from Saul who is maddened by his jealousy and the prophesied demise of his kingdom.

INTRODUCTION: Why have such a downer of a psalm?

  • How long will you forget me, O LORD? How long will you hide your face from me? Blah, blah, blah … I see no good reason to share this despair, this desolation of the heart …
  • Unless … It is true to life. True to the walk of the pilgrim of God. 
  • What does it feel like when God himself teaches us to walk in the joy of our salvation, the path of pure joy? And what do we do as we are on this path, when we encounter deep darkness and taunting enemies which we cannot overcome?

1) On the path of pure joy we must sometimes walk through desolate territory, 13:1-2.

▶︎ How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever [completely]?

  • Sometimes on the path of pure joy it seems that God has stepped completely out of the picture. David’s question is—Had God forgotten him forever? Not, had God forgotten him, but is this it?

▶︎ How long will you hide your face from me?

  • Sometimes on the path of pure joy God does not rush to our side. God was not giving David an audience. It was bad enough the turmoil in his life, and that God seemed so distant, but God would not even give David an audience.

▶︎ How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day?

  • Often on the path of pure joy we must learn that we are neither big enough or smart enough for the battle. What runs through our minds at times like this? We try to find solutions. We try to work our way through the mess and fix the problem.

▶︎ How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?

  • Often on the path of pure joy our dark enemy will taunt us. Insult to injury. During this time of distress the enemy torments us. “I told you so.” “I won. You lost.” “This is what you get for trusting in God.”

*See Matthew 27:41-46.

2) On the path of pure joy we must pray to the only One who can give light, 13:3-4.

  • David’s petition: He asks for light, cf. Ephesians 1:18.

3) On the path of pure joy trust in God’s steadfast love bring us to the joy of our salvation, 13:3-4.

  • On the path of pure joy trusting in God’s steadfast love brings home the joy or our salvation to our hearts.
  • On the path of pure joy trusting in God’s steadfast love brings praise and more praise.

CONCLUSION: No matter anything else we come back to the steadfast love of God!

MESSAGE MP3: Psalm 13 : How Long O LORD : FFC : dave scott : 020815 PM

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