STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday February 15, 2015

God's inconceivable offer of salvation

Hello Everyone,

Still winter. Still cold. But Spring’s a coming! 🙂

  • The Jews had forgotten that the gospel of God is the Gospel of GOD!

They had it all but squandered the opportunity. God’s chosen people, richly blessed, but now as a whole spiritually bankrupt.

They were like lottery winners who four years later are broke and in debt. Or the former professional football player who made millions and rose to the top of his sport but now has to sell his Super Bowl ring so he can eat.

So how did they “lose it”? How could something like this happen?

They could not accept a salvation that came by grace through faith. Salvation apart from the works of the law was inconceivable to them.

Do you know what mercy and grace tell us? Mercy and grace tell us that we can’t do it. In fact, we can’t even think it. Mercy and grace mean that only God, and God alone, could come up with such an idea for our salvation and carry it out.

  • Mercy and grace should not be inconceivable in our minds.

Thinking that we could work for the spiritual riches of God in Christ Jesus. That is what is ludicrous. Believing that God would offer a salvation so low, so pitiful, that we, mere sinful humans could somehow do good enough, be good enough, run fast enough to earn his salvation.

That is what should be inconceivable to us. The Jews in Paul’s day did not realize this, and sometimes we don’t either.

Message Title: The Children of Promise!

Message Text: Romans 9:1-18

none of the rulers understood

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