Message MP3 for Sunday February 15, 2015

about this time brown paper box

Good Morning,

Yay! It’s Monday, right? But we are another week closer to Spring!

They couldn’t see God’s glory in Christ because they were blinded by the pursuit of their own glory. God offered salvation, but they just couldn’t get their mind around the amazing gift that comes by grace through faith.

They had it all and lost it all. Depending on their spiritual heritage instead of God, they found themselves in a spiritual wasteland.

Sometimes I hear on the radio: “Don’t be that guy!” Can’t remember who says it, probably more than one person.

My point here is: “Don’t be that guy. Don’t be that gal.”

Don’t be the one who thinks she has it all but actually has nothing because she pursued her idea of salvation rather than God’s.

Message Title: The Children of the Promise

Message Text: Romans 9:1-18

MP3: 23 The Children of the Promise : Romans 9:1-18 : FFC : Dave Scott 021515


God's inconceivable offer of salvation

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