STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday March 8, 2015

dog hound faith tip of tongue

Hello All,

Well, if anyone believes that they can work to gain God’s approval after this study in Romans, then it will not be the fault of the Apostle Paul. He is at it again as he emphasizes we received God’s righteousness and acceptance only by faith.

No need to take a space flight to heaven. No need to journey to the center of the earth. The saving word of faith is near, in your mouth and in your heart.

We would say, “On the tip of my tongue.”

We believe. God saves.

Everyone who believes.

  • For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).

And everyone means everyone. Struggling to understand how God has mercy on some and not others? Can’t get your mind around predestination?

Then get your mind around this. Believe. Call on the name of the Lord, and you will be saved.

Message Title: The Saving Word Is in Your Mouth

Message Text: Romans 10:5-13


heart stethoscope faith ekg

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