STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday March 15, 2015

artist gospel derivative

Hello Everyone,

At first glance this week’s text seems to be our familiar missionary call to spread the good news of God. And it is that, but as I studied (funny how these things happen) I realized that the main point is more the emphasis that for people to believe, we must make sure we begin with the good news of God. When it comes to the point of sharing, then it must still be God’s gospel, God’s message.

I have some excellent Romans commentaries. “Listen” to this from Leon Morris, one of the best.

◉ Leon Morris …
– Paul is saying that the preaching of the Christian message is impossible without the divine commission. A herald can have nothing to say unless it be given him. The gospel is derivative. It does not originate with preachers, and the other side of that coin is that nobody can operate as a preacher in the sense in which Paul is using the term here unless God has sent him.

Our gospel is derivative. No revisions necessary or accepted. Christ finished his “Calvary work” with perfection and power and the Father’s approval.

The gospel we ask people to believe must be the same “good news of God” that was offered in the first century by the Apostle Paul.

◉ Leon Morris …
– Whichever way we may prefer to translate, Paul is speaking of the derivative nature of the Christian gospel. It is not something that wise men have made up; it comes from hearing the message given by those sent from God.

If you are an artist, maybe someone suggesting that your work is derivative is a bad thing, as in unoriginal, unimaginative, imitative, uninventive. But as heralds of the gospel, it is essential that we remain true to the original.

Gospel Version 1.0
(Updates and revisions unnecessary and unacceptable.)

Message Title: Have They Not Heard?

Message Text: Romans 10:14-21

cross it is finished

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