STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday April 26, 2015

skyscraper theology God at work

  • (Hebrews 11:10 NIV84) For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God.

Hello to All,

May you be blessed this good day on the path of Jesus Son of God!

God is always amazing me. Praise him for his word of truth. Where would we be without his inspired, holy words to guide our lives?

In our Romans study for this Sunday we take the next step on God’s solid foundation to service and worship.

  • Note the Progression …
    Bow before God ➼ Now Hear God ➼ Renewed Mind ➼ Changed Life ➼ Know the Will of God by Real World Testing ➼ Ready to See Where the “New” Me Fits in God’s Plan.

Seeing the real you …

  • You do not see the “real” you (the “new” you) until you are bowed before the throne of God. When this happens, you will begin receiving a torrent of new “God information” which will absolutely change your life. Now things are clicking. Light bulb flickers, then shines brightly. Welcome to God’s world. Same planet, different view. Still on Earth but your horizon has expanded far beyond. Enjoy the view. You have finally arrived at a place where you will begin to see yourself as God sees you. You will begin to understand the works that he has crafted especially for you. You will begin to drink with great satisfaction the pleasure of your Father in Heaven.

Message Title: Thinking with Sober Judgment!

Message Text: Romans 12:3-8


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