STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday May 3, 2015 …

framing Romans 12-9-21 evil versus good

The Great Battle Is Joined: Good Versus Evil!

Hello to You,

How do I win? How do I overcome evil? What are God’s specific instructions? And where does a person begin?

  • We have sound doctrine under our feet (Romans 1-8).
  • We see our place in redemptive history (Romans 9-11).
  • We have presented ourselves as living sacrifices and are beginning to experientially know the will of God (Romans 12:1-2).
  • We have evaluated our lives in humility and embraced the “skill set” God has blessed us with (Romans 12:3-8).

Now our LORD prepares us for practical service and the evil we will face, both within and without.

BIG QUESTION: Do I truly believe God and trust his direction?

  • Now we shall see if we really believe God  as he will push us past our understanding to his as we join the fray against the darkness. Now we come to grips with our submission to being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Message Title: Overcoming Evil with Good!

Message Text: Romans 12:9-21

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