MP3 for Sunday August 2, 2015 AM

paper sack God 3 dollar sale

Do we really want the fullness of God? The fullness of God means that God takes over.

What we typically want from God is an add-on, a supplement, a boost, a little something extra to make this life better. We want everything we can get without God taking over our lives.

You have probably heard the expression—“Lead, follow or get out of the way.” But an old Baptist preacher I heard just last week presented it this way: “Lead, follow or get out of the way? No … Just follow … Jesus … Just follow Jesus!”

Follow Jesus. Wherever. Whenever. Follow Jesus. Good times, bad times. Follow Jesus. Have little or have much, follow Jesus. Shipwreck. Beatings. Prison. Follow Jesus. Change my plans, redo my schedule? Follow Jesus.

Do you want to walk in the fullness of the blessing of Christ? Guess what? Follow Jesus.

Message Title: Walking in the Fullness of the Blessing of Christ!

Message Text: Romans 15:22-16:16

MP3: LESSON 41 Walking in the Fullness of the Blessing of Christ : Romans 15:22-16:16 : FFC : dave scott : 080215

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