MP3 for Sunday August 2, 2015 PM

Calling a spade a spade.

  • In Joseph Devlin’s book How to Speak and Write Correctly (1910) … where he satirized speakers who chose their words to show superiority: For instance, you may not want to call a spade a spade. You may prefer to call it a spatulous device for abrading the surface of the soil. Better, however, to stick to the old familiar, simple name that your grandfather called it.

Let’s call a spade a spade. I am speaking of false prophets.

I am wearied by people who claim to speak for the LORD but who refuse to address the true needs of God’s Church and our world.

I am wearied by people who play loose with the text, with their word choice, with their biblical exposition and their logic.

I am wearied by people who in general are not careful to tremble before God and his word as we approach him for divine truth.

And I am sometimes wearied by how hesitant we are as the people of God to call a spade a spade, or in this case a false prophet a false prophet.

This evening we are going to look at what is possibly the most dominant characteristic of a false prophet.

Message Title: False Prophets Who Whitewash 

Message Text: Ezekiel 13

MP3: Ezekiel 13 : False Prophets Who Whitewash : ffc : dave scott : 080215 PM

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