STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday August 16, 2015

define false teacher

Hello All,

Watch out for them! Avoid them!

Paul is urgent in our text this week.

  • (Romans 16:17 NIV84) I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
  • (Romans 16:17 The Message) One final word of counsel, friends. Keep a sharp eye out for those who take bits and pieces of the teaching that you learned and then use them to make trouble. Give these people a wide berth.

Even though Paul warns us of savage wolf attacks (Acts 20:28–32), we so often think, “But not us. Not in our fellowship. No one here would be a false teacher. We are nice folks.”

And, yet, here in his final comments in Romans, Paul warns us of these very things.

So maybe we should take notice?

God in his wisdom is telling us to sit up and take notice. To watch out for false teachers. And to avoid false teachers.

Yes, we could go to the extreme and carry out witch hunts, finding a false teacher under every spiritual rock. Some do that. But that is not the norm. Usually we do the opposite. Sometimes we more interested in being nice … and courteous … than being faithful to God and his word.

And our churches suffer for it.

Why is Paul so urgent? Because it really does come down to heaven or hell.

Is “close enough good enough”? No!
Paul tells us that these people use smooth talk and flattery to deceive the unsuspecting. False teachers know what we like to hear. They say things close enough, and because we do not listen carefully to what is actually being said, then way too often close enough is good enough.

Maybe good enough for church on earth but not good enough before the throne of God!

Once in heaven, we will never again have the opportunity to stand in light and love against the darkness of sin. So what will it be?

slick salesman false teacher smooth talk hoop fire

target hearts man legs tied

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