MP3 for Sunday AM August 16, 2015

false teacher smooth talk hoop fire target hearts man legs tied slick salesmanpig riding doneky carrot on stick

What makes a false teacher a false teacher?

As we think through this our minds may go to what seems to be the most obvious. His teaching is untrue. Or he is evil and diabolical. Or he has fallen for the schemes of the devil. And all of those things may be true.

But that is not what makes him.

Those things are not the driving force behind the false teacher. Not the root issue. And we need to understand the root issue, the most underlying, fundamental characteristic of the false teacher, to be best prepared to watch for him and to avoid him.

So what is this root issue, this fundamental characteristic?

At the core of a false teacher is a person who serves himself first, above and before all others including God.

(We will see this in our text this morning.)

On the surface this may seem harmless enough or even insignificant. But you have to understand that the self-server, with his only concern being his personal interests, that anything and everything are at his disposal. Both sides of the line. Good, bad, evil, righteous, truth, lie. It doesn’t matter.

The only thing that matters to the self-serving false teacher is this: Does it serve my purpose to fulfill me, my interests and my needs.

This person will go to any lengths to forward his agenda. Teach truth? Sure. Teach the Bible? Even better.

And before we go to our text this morning, one more question.

Why do people fall for false teachers?

Answer? Because they tell us what we want to hear.

Message Title: Watch Out for False Teachers!

Message Text: Romans 16:17-23

MP3: LESSON 42 Watch Out for False Teachers – Romans 16:17-23 FFC dave scott 081615

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