STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday August 23, 2015

skeptics ridicule ancient mystery

Hello All,

Did you know that the gospel brings freedom to God also? The gospel throws the door wide open, frees God to pour his fullness into our lives: his holiness, righteousness, love, mercy, grace, truth, everything. We are back in God’s plans because he brought salvation to us. He has dealt with our sin because we could not; thoroughly and completely through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

So no more holding back because of the darkness of our sin and our unrighteousness. To those who believe, that has all been more than taken care of through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

That is why we preach Jesus Christ and nothing else. There is no other gospel. No other plan. No other way.

It comes down to this: The sinfulness of humans and the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Compromise either, leave either out, and you have no gospel that will stand before the Consuming Fire.

However, embrace God’s clear message of forgiveness and redemption, and past the sky is the limit in the eternal plan of God.

Gospel-powered saints, living the high life. That’s who we are … at least that’s who we should be as we grow in our understanding of the abundance of life that God brings to us through Jesus Christ.

This week it’s all about the gospel and the glory of God. We are to be gospel-powered saints, living by faith, enjoying the “ride” as we share the path with the only wise God.

Before him we fall down in worship. To him we give the glory. Nothing else is appropriate.

Message Title: To God Be the Glory!

Message Text: Romans 16:25-27

bamboo frame gospel powered life

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