STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday October 25, 2015

barrels smiley filth anger etc out

In math if you miss the first step in an equation, then usually you are in trouble. Have to get the first steps right. Same thing as we study God’s word. If we begin at step 2, then it is very likely that we are not going to understand things as we should.

And that, friends, is precisely what we do when we look at this week’s text in James 1:19-27. Funny how eye-opening it is when a person has to preach or teach through a book of the Bible. All sorts of associations and connections come together.

So here is my “aha” moment. Hearing comes first. James directs us to be “hearers of the word” in James 1:19-21.

We often jump right into a conversation in James 1:22 speaking to the warning of being a hearer only and not a doer of the word of God. And that is an excellent discussion, but it is premature.

My “aha” moment for this week comes from James 1:19-21 where God through James prepares us first to be hearers or receivers of the word of truth. We typically assume that we are hearing and the great challenge is whether or not we will follow through and obey what we have heard.

But we can’t do that. To receive God’s word a few things need to happen.

First, we must be intent on listening more than talking. Think for a minute of the Bible studies that you have been a part of. What happens most? People voicing their opinions. And our society holds a person’s opinion as almost sacred. So often even when we are not talking, we are not listening. We are only waiting for our turn to talk. But James tells us to prioritize listening–be quick to hear.

Second, we are to be slow to speak. Our opinion is not sacred, maybe even worthless. If our “opinion” is not closely connected to the word of God, then what do we have? What perspective could we possibly offer that has any significance apart from the truth of God and his word? Slow to speak. Before we speak we might want to bring ourselves before the reality that we will give account for even our careless words.

  • (Matthew 12:35–37 ESV) 35 The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. 36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, 37 for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Third, we are to be slow to anger. It seems that the context for so much of our discussion of the Bible focuses on things which have us frustrated and angry. We are going to set someone, or some group, right and off to the Bible we go. But James tells us that our anger is not the vehicle to God’s righteousness. Call it righteous indignation if you want, but it smells like pride and self-righteousness to me.

Slow to anger.

Fourth, get the filth and evil out of our lives. Put it away; get rid of it. I wonder what the percentage would be if we compared the time that we take to address the sins of the world versus getting the crud out of our lives? But here James points to this as essential to being able to receive the words of God. Aha!

So before we tackle the issue of hearing only versus hearing and doing, let’s make sure that we are first hearing, receiving, the word of God. Seems like a good idea.

Message Title: Pure Religion!

Message Text: James 1:19-27

tongue calibrate word

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