MP3 for FFC for Sunday October 25, 2015

deception word cloud human abstract

There may not be anything more surprising (and disappointing) to me than the large number of professing Christians I have known over the years who seemingly disregard God’s very clear teaching and warnings concerning the tongue.

But that is where James begins our text for this week.

  • Quick to hear.
  • Slow to speak.
  • Slow to anger.

View our world and the order is reversed and proud of it.

View the church and sadly not much observable difference.

In our text today, James tells us that whether or not we control the tongue is a strong indicator whether our religion is worthless or pure and undefiled before God.

Maybe something to think about?

MP3: LESSON 4 : Pure Religion! : James 1:19-27 : ffc : dave scott : 102515

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