STUDY SHEETS for FFC for Sunday November 1, 2015

judges with evil motives

Mercy Wins!

God does something wonderful in the Bible. He tells us the truth about our selves and the world we live in.

And … He tells us how to win in life.

This week he tells that a key to a winning life–winning from God’s perspective, which is kind of important–is mercy. Mercy is to be preferred over judgment if we are interested in a life of triumph as God sees things.

As with all things God, to understand his teaching, we must first hear him. Then we must submit to his teaching and live lives of obedience. We have to actually believe that God knows what he is doing and trust him with our very lives.

And then the floodgates open. God’s goodness in. Our filth out. God’s purity and righteousness in, our wickedness out. God’s forever thinking in, our stained, rationalized way of the human thinking out.

It’s really quite a deal this salvation we have through Jesus Christ.

Message Title: Mercy Wins!

Message Text: James 2:1-13


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