Chew on this…”Honor everyone.”

1 Peter 2:17 (English Standard Version)
Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.

If you are wondering how to live the words, here is a good place to start this morning. Take this two word sentence and live it the entire day today…

with your wife, husband, children,

your neighbor,

the   folks at church (yes, even the ones you don’t like – gasp!)

the weirdo at the gas station,

the “loser” at work,

the meth-looking guy driving the junker,

the single mom with the unruly children,

the old woman at the nursing home who is suffering from dementia,

the jerk at work,

the unfair boss,

the insignificant you look down on,

the significant you are jealous of,

honor everyone.

That’s what God says, and me too.

Honor everyone!

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